Thursday 18 April 2013

Pensacola - "Wings" of Grass

The  Y-shaped seed "wings" (image taken from

Bahia Grass Pensacola (Paspalum Notatum) is easily recognised by its characteristic “feathery” Y- shaped seedhead. It is a subtropical bunch grass which grows aggressively, both through seeds and vegetatively (through rhizomes and stolons).

Bahia Grass originates from Mexico and South America, is mostly used in summer rainfall areas and very well adapted to damp low lying areas.  It prefers sandy soil and full sun, but is shade tolerant. It also copes with drought and salty conditions well and is relatively free from damaging insects and diseases. Pensacola is grown and planted more than any other type of Bahia grass, as it is more tolerant to cold weather. Even though frost can kill the top layer, it usually recovers when the weather warms up again.

Bahia Pensacola is often used on airstrips
Bahia Pensacola Grass is used as forage and as low maintenance turf grass (sometimes in combination with Bermuda grass) for polo fields, horse-racing tracks, park areas and landing strips for aeroplanes.

Also popular on polo fields

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